NevadaPost started in 1998 with a goal of being the go-to email service for native Nevadans. The service itself is built with a custom tech stack and mailing system developed by yours truly, which allows for extra anonymity and security while going online. As of 2019, we have made a crucial decision to become an invite only service, with all existing members keeping their accounts. What this meeans is, if you want to join, you have to ask a member to be let in. This restriction is in place only for the time being in order to prevent fraudulent accounts, and we are looking to lift it in 2026.
As of 2019, NevadaPost is an invite only service. If you wish to join, ask a member to send you an invite link in order to create your account.
If you are already a member, visit your initial activation email to get to the login page.